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It's a new day.

At Scribd, we have been on a mission to spark human curiosity since 2007.  We are home to the world’s documents, with specialized knowledge on any topic.

And now we look different. But this isn’t just a new coat of paint. We are also working on new features so we can continue to deliver documents that help transform your world.

Read on to see how we have been helping our readers on their journeys.

Our community uploads the first 1 million documents.

We reach 1 million subscribers. And nearly 100 million documents.

200 million documents later
45 million+ uploaders across 195 countries [and counting].

200 million years ago
Dinosaurs roam the Earth. Documents haven’t been invented (yet).

Scribd goes live.

Our community uploads the first 1 million documents.

We reach 1 million subscribers. And nearly 100 million documents.

200 million documents later
45 million+ uploaders across 195 countries [and counting].

New look. Same mission.

Millions of documents, open to all.

Our service is ad-supported; we are committed to democratizing access to information, so our readers can get what they need.

Our library has everything to let readers dive deep into a single topic, or explore as much as they’d like. We’re hard at work on even more exciting discovery tools, too.

Go from specific to exploratory in a heartbeat.

Scribd has primary source documents for a wide variety of topics. We’re proud to help people excel at their jobs, every day.

Current and trusted information, for any research need.

Stay tuned for [much] more.

Our team has been working on new features to help you navigate and synthesize information, extract important insights, link takeaways from multiple sources, and engage with our community.

And we couldn’t have done it without help from you. Your documents and your knowledge come together at Scribd, to find their way to help readers like you.

So from all of us at Scribd, thank you, and watch this space.

Mike Lewis
Senior Director, Product

Explore Scribd

200 million years ago
Dinosaurs roam the Earth. Documents haven’t been invented (yet).

Scribd goes live.